
Sunday, 4 April 2010

Just do it

A casual acquaintance at a party I was at was blabbering away of how she met one of the most successful actors and he gave her the best advice since her mother's advice to start using birth control. He told her to go and 'just do it'. Another friend simply turned around and said, 'Well, Nike has been saying that for years'.

Can I just go and do it? The answer to that would be yes and no. Although I may be at the risk of being diabetically diplomatic with my own self but this question can really go both ways. Catch -22 is the term I'm looking for. Well anyway, I had decided that I will document my everyday struggle of trying to be film maker. But wait, I am a film maker. I've made documentaries and short films. Now to only narrow down the objective, 'To make a commercially released feature film'. Thats more like it. That I'm at it, why not set a deadline for myself. It is 4th April, 2010 today.

I will complete my film before the world comes to an end in October 2012.

Done... I will complete and release a commercial hindi/english feature film before the world comes to an end in October 2012...

The first step: Write a script...

I'll take the advice.. I'll just do it...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bro saw ur name in the credit roll of Rajneeti...the first credit to roll...u made me so happy and proud that its hard to describe...keep up the good work, hope to see ur movie anyday now...!!! cheers!!!