
Friday, 28 October 2011

Keep Walking

Every couple of years, a time comes in my life, when I loose the ability to structure thoughts. And each  time this has happened, I've often written myself off, telling myself that I've really lost it (finally). There is a sense of relief which comes with writing your own self off the face of society. But then there is also the often glorified idea of 'bouncing back' which happens almost all the times other than the odd time when I was too distracted to notice.

Well... another such time is here in my life, one late festive Autumn in the ancient city of Delhi. I like the idea of being here at this point. This city has been consistently occupied since the past 5000 odd years and has seen empire after empire rise from nothingness and fall into ruin. In a way, its the perfect city for new beginnings or more romantically, rising from the ashes. I've circled half the world, exhausted my brain, put my heart in a deep freeze and I'm only left with this pure physical energy which most probably comes from my consistent love of food (and not from the strength of human spirit as some of my wise friends like to incorrectly assert). With so much energy to dispense, I'm following my old friend Johnny Walker's famous tag line, 'Keep Walking'. The man who came up with this for a whisky brand must truly be a genius, a man of 'heart'.. a man who 'understood'.

I've often been accused of being contradictory. And I am. Most of the time. It doesn't mean that I don't have a stand. It merely means that I'm willing to see all sides of an argument, even defying my own stance, and coming to a logical conclusion giving the heart and mind equal importance, sometimes even telling the mind to F-off. Who has ever been able to attach logic to the heart? I can't think of anyone from Nagasaki to Nagasaki who has. The best one can do is balance. And young and naive as I am and always will be (hopefully), I will never be able to. Reacting in the 'moment', being in the 'now', 'experiencing', 'feeling'... thats how I am, thats how I'll be. Trying to be otherwise is not good for me, that much my wise grandmother already taught me.

Lost in my little world, I am simply walking, not caring if I am in circles, if I stumble on a stone, if I come across a bridge-less river or if I find something which makes me pause for the moment. My senses are active. I'm taking it all in.

I will walk until I get sucked into the world again, only to come back to this beautiful state again.

A state where... the possibilities... are endless...

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