
Wednesday, 3 November 2010

What's the matter...

'What's the matter?'
'No, something is up.. What is it?'
'No, it's nothing'
'hmmmm... you're not telling'

I've been asked this often and continue to be inflicted with this question ever so-often. Its almost as if you're at this unwanted center of attention, trying to always explain your expression, impression or state. Now, I don't know if I am sooo interesting that it keeps happening to me or my vibes are extremely strong or maybe people around me have downright boring lives or I am just being unnecessarily maniacal, but this observation stands.

Why should I always be truthful about what I'm feeling? Is it like a cardinal sin to not share? Get a life everybody. I'm not letting anyone in. I refuse to be the one satisfying your voyeuristic urges. If you can find an underhanded way of getting in, good for you, but beware that you will be thrown out at first sight.

Sometimes I just invent something to say, just to appease someone's burning fire to 'know'.

So, nothing is the matter with me.

Read the subtle signals, invest some energy... but stop trying to 'get in'...

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