
Sunday, 15 August 2010

A for apple... B for ball...

I'm sitting in a cafe overlooking the mountains with amazing italian food, surrounded by fellow searchers and travelers and an unmeasurable amount of spiritual energy to deal with. It's pouring outside while I put on my pullover and socks and get cozy. Technology seems so 'uncalled for' when in such a beautiful environment. I feel like home... at peace.. in sync. 

Until today morning, I was thinking of the thousand different things I have to do, the obstacles preventing me from doing them and it hit me like a bolt of lightning, the mantra I had started out with, to go with the flow.. a moment at a time. They all seem so unimportant now. I'm thoughtless and I love it. This definitely makes writing very difficult but I have a constipated urge to let it all out. Coming here has made me realise of how crowded my mind is in the city. Can I lead this life in the city? Now that I have re-realised the difference, I may be able to. Things such as career and ambition seem so out of place here. As of now, I don't have a house, I don't know where my work is headed and I'm still grappling with recovering from a break up of a five year relationship. I don't know what we are doing on earth, but its surely not for making a career or a house or to be unhappy for any reason. Growing up in India, phrases like 'you came with nothing and will go with nothing' are part of everyday life. I'm content, in love, at peace... 

The tomato basil soup just came in with some garlic bread and the beautiful lady looking at me lovingly all this while takes it upon herself to feed me... If there is any heaven on earth.. this is it... 

I continue this post after exactly one month of a roller coaster ride of finding a house, settling life in the city - yet again and here I am, the mountains have been replaced by concrete buildings, the lovely lady is seven continents away, the past relationship is amicable, my work still in a state of suspended animation and.... and I'm still at peace. For me, just like the title of this post suggests, I'm back to the basics.. A for Apple.. B for Ball.. 

1 comment:

Sahil Nijhawan said...

Back to basics always give you a new hope of rectifying a lot of things my friend and bend things around your way the way you want them. To start of with A for apple and B for boy can lay a foundation like a mountain what you ve been looking . Back home here where I am you ve already laid some foundations amongs the community I know and also the world who know you from the early days .

VERY less people in life get to live a dream but only a fraction of them run the dream .

Proud of you my friend

Way to go

Luv and luck