
Friday, 16 December 2011

Shooting Stars.

Of the people in my life, of those who've come, gone or stayed, there is a certain breed of people who are best remembered as 'shooting stars'. Just like a streak of bright light would be seen in close up in a little boys' big black eyes and the effect of which would be more pronounced when the shot would cut a little wider to his awe-struck frozen face as he slowly expands his eye lids to more absorb the moment in all its glory. Some people are like those moments. You see them, feel them and they enthrall you and amaze you, at their beauty, at the beauty they bring out in you, lifting you into a different and probably higher state of being and then... then they slowly or suddenly fade away. 

And just like a selfish mortal practical being, the natural instinct is to try and capture them, put them in a jar and keep them around. Only that the lesson that shooting stars loose all their brilliance when captured always comes a little too late.

I’ve been witness to a few of these moments. I understand that they’re rare. The heartbreak which comes with letting these stars be and move on from them is immense. Not only does the heart break but it consistently does so for a much longer time than other daily experiences. They reach down in the depths of your being and make you feel strands of feeling you never knew existed. It’s almost like you have a hundred other illusionary organs and body parts. You feel them and loose them in the same moment. There is always the oscillating feeling between happiness and contentment of a new discovery and the sadness of never having to get to experience the same again. I want to apply the ‘quick sand’ phrase to this situation but it miserably falls short. At least, in the moment, you can feel the sand escape through your fingers which maybe even leaves a few grains stuck to your hand. But this, this only leaves you with emptiness. An emptiness which can even be felt in the ends of my toenails.

But I’m learning. I’m learning to let go with a smile while still keeping the warmth in my heart. I’m learning to cherish these moments more when they present themselves. I’m learning to overcome my fears. I’m learning to mark every piece of my heart so I can put it back together easily. But I’m still learning.

So, this one is for you ‘shooting star’. I know you exist. I know you’re there somewhere in the universe. I feel you and imagine you lightening up unknown worlds in the far end of the galaxy. Maybe I’ll encounter you again or maybe you’ve faded away forever. But I’ll always be here, looking towards the sky, waiting…